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PureAire Monitoring Systems Oxygen Monitor 888.788.8050


Is your company using Nitrogen or other Cryogenic gases? Why PureAire Recommends an O2 Deficiency Monitor for Safety.

  • By : PureAire Monitoring Systems
  • Posted on : March 17, 2017
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PureAire Monitoring Systems, Inc. focuses solely on safety in the workplace, and in laboratory environments. Oxygen deficiency monitors are used in areas using Nitrogen, Helium, Argon, and Carbon Dioxide. PureAire strongly recommends an oxygen deficiency monitor to be installed anywhere cryogenic gases are being stored.

The purpose of an oxygen monitor is to alert employees in the immediate area if there is a spill of nitrogen with audible alarm. The use of an O2 monitor creates a safer environment for employees and can alert local fire panels in a building as well. In New York, NY any area using more than 50 gallons of nitrogen the law states, it is mandatory for an oxygen monitor to be installed.

The largest problem with these specialty gases are, if a spill occurs there is no noticeable scent or effects. A nitrogen spill can create an oxygen deficient environment rapidly within seconds. For the time it takes the body to realize there is zero breathable oxygen, it is too late. A person will pass out from oxygen deprivation immediately. This is one of the most preventable incidents; simply install an oxygen deficiency monitor for safety.

Consider an argument for medicine. If one was to travel to the Amazon in South America, where malaria is common, being unaccustomed to the jungle, wouldn’t it be wise to take malaria pills? What if you have a family history of diabetes? As a family member you may consider taking any necessary precautions to possibly eliminate the concern of diabetes. Maybe by being more physically active, or having a healthier diet, this may delay or stop the onset of diabetes.

An oxygen monitor is also similar to a Fire detector in your home or office. You never expect to have a fire, but a fire detector is installed for safety as a precaution.

PureAire feels the oxygen monitor is the preventative medicine. Scientists and researchers will always continue to use nitrogen for their experiments. Doctors will continue to use helium to cool the large magnets used for images in the MRI scanner. Carbon dioxide will still be used for all beverage dispensing systems at fast food chains. The one factor people cannot eliminate is the use of cryogenic gases used in everyday life. The only known safety, and scientifically proven device is the oxygen deficiency monitor.

The rooms dimensions, a size of the cylinders, the quantity of the cylinders, the types of cryogenic gas being used, whether the gas is being piped into a room, and height of the ceiling all play a role on where, and how many monitors are required. PureAire often gets the question, where do we place the oxygen monitor? How many O2 monitors should we use?

A few simple tips can help save a life. Helium is lighter than air, so it is recommended to mount the monitor closer to the ceiling, whereas nitrogen/argon is heavier than air, so mounting the monitor closer to the ground would make sense. Carbon dioxide is also heavier than air settling to the ground.