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Tag: combustible

toxic and combustible gases

Toxic and Combustible Gases – Safety is Paramount

  • By : PureAire Monitoring Systems
  • Posted on : February 12, 2022

On January 31, 2022, a fire at a North Carolina fertilizer manufacturing facility caused officials to urge residents living nearby to stay away from their homes due to an increased risk of a possible explosion at the facility. People with respiratory issues were likewise advised to take precautions to minimize their potential exposure to toxic […]

Coming Clean About Chlorine Safety

Coming Clean on Chlorine Gas Safety

  • By : PureAire Monitoring Systems
  • Posted on : January 28, 2022

What is Chlorine? Chlorine gas (Cl2) is a dense, yellow-green gas that has a distinctive, irritating odor that is similar to bleach and is almost instantly noticeable even at very low concentrations. While Cl2 is not flammable, it may react explosively when exposed to other gases, including acetylene, ether, ammonia, natural gas, and hydrogen, among […]

Process Vessel O2 Sensor Photo N2 Generator Article

Nitrogen Blanketing

  • By : PureAire Monitoring Systems
  • Posted on : May 07, 2020

What is Nitrogen Blanketing? Nitrogen (N) blanketing is a process by which nitrogen is added to fill the headspace (the area between the fill line of a tank’s contents and the top of the storage vessel) to eliminate oxygen and moisture from storage tanks. Nitrogen is commonly used to blanket due to its extremely low […]

Banana Ripening Plat Room

From Farm to Market: Fruit Ripening

  • By : PureAire Monitoring Systems
  • Posted on : April 11, 2019

Fruit has a brief window where it is perfectly ripe. If farmers waited until every piece of fruit was ripe before harvesting, farming would be more labor-intensive as farmers rushed to pick ripe fruits. Prices might crash due to a short-term glut of fruit on the market. To ensure a steady supply and demand, keep […]

gas detectors siemens gas  cabinet

Why Gas Distributors Play a Crucial Role in Most Everyday Businesses?

  • By : PureAire Monitoring Systems
  • Posted on : September 17, 2018

Inert gases power a wide range of industries, including pharmaceutical, automotive, manufacturing, and semiconductor. While argon, helium, nitrogen, and cryogenic gases have benefits and uses, there are also risks with other gases such as halogens, refrigerants, combustibles, or etching gases. Gas detectors can monitor storage areas and facilities where these gases are used to guard […]

Paint booth Combustible Gas Monitor PureAire Monitoring Systems

Paint Booths, or Areas Using Combustible Gases: Why a Requirement for Combustible Gas Monitor Might be Necessary

  • By : PureAire Monitoring Systems
  • Posted on : November 12, 2015

Paint booths save time and ensure a smooth and professional application of paint in a range of industries, including automotive, aerospace, home decor, furniture, and more. Combustible gases and fluids in the paint booth environment can pose a health hazard if something goes wrong. Explore the hidden dangers of paint booth fluids and gases, and learn how a combustible gas detector can increase […]