Couples that want to have a baby but have not been able to conceive naturally are drawn to invitro fertilization (IVF) treatments. In an IVF treatment, several eggs are fertilized at once, which creates multiple embryos. While more than one embryo may be implanted, to spur the odds of pregnancy, there are inevitably some unused […]
Liquid nitrogen is a powerful and potentially dangerous form of nitrogen that freezes the water content of food and beverages within seconds. Ice cream manufacturers have developed new efficiencies in the ice cream freezing process by adopting liquid nitrogen to improve the workflow and quality of the finished product. Unfortunately, liquid nitrogen can actually be […]
Liquid nitrogen is frequently used in scientific research, chemistry classes, and even culinary arts nowadays. The substance is safe when properly stored, and as long as everyone follows safety protocols while handling the liquid nitrogen. As part of an environmental health and safety review (EHS review), learn safety considerations regarding storing liquid nitrogen in the […]