You know you need an O2 monitor, but where do you get one, and how much does it cost? Selling oxygen deficiency monitors is our business, so we’ve rounded up information to choose the right oxygen deficiency monitor for your needs. Who Should Use an Oxygen Deficiency Monitor? An oxygen deficiency monitor should be placed anywhere that […]
Chip bags have all that air in them for a valid reason — and it’s not air, anyway, it’s nitrogen gas. So what is this gas doing in your bag of crisps? First, the gas acts as a preservative so your chips are as crispy when you open the bag as the day they were […]
PureAire Monitoring Systems manufactures a variety of safety gas monitors, including the Air Check Oxygen Monitor. Oxygen monitors are commonly installed in areas containing liquid nitrogen, cryogenic gas cylinders, or areas with gas lines. Nitrogen gas is used in many industries ranging from medical and sciences to cryotherapy, or nitrogen used in a popularized dessert, ice […]