Anaerobic Digestion Process Oxygen monitoring is an essential safety and process control measure in facilities that utilize anaerobic digesters. Although the digestion process occurs in an oxygen-free environment, it is important to monitor the surrounding areas to ensure oxygen levels are appropriate for both safety and operational efficiency. The anaerobic digestion process is a multi-stage process […]
PureAire Monitoring Systems is proud to note the completion of our 26thyear in the Gas Detection business. Our journey began on January 14, 1997, with three employees working out of a spare bedroom in our founder’s home. Our mission from the beginning was, and remains, quite simple: keep people safe, by providing high-quality, accurate, and reliable […]
Lithium-Ion Batteries Rechargeable lithium-ion (“Li-ion”) batteries (comprised of cells in which lithium ions move from a negative electrode through an electrolyte to a positive electrode during discharge—and the other way around when charging) were first described conceptually in the 1970s. Following initial prototype development in the 1980s, li-ion batteries became commercially viable in subsequent decades, […]
On January 31, 2022, a fire at a North Carolina fertilizer manufacturing facility caused officials to urge residents living nearby to stay away from their homes due to an increased risk of a possible explosion at the facility. People with respiratory issues were likewise advised to take precautions to minimize their potential exposure to toxic […]
What is Chlorine? Chlorine gas (Cl2) is a dense, yellow-green gas that has a distinctive, irritating odor that is similar to bleach and is almost instantly noticeable even at very low concentrations. While Cl2 is not flammable, it may react explosively when exposed to other gases, including acetylene, ether, ammonia, natural gas, and hydrogen, among […]
What is Oxygen Deficiency? The air we breathe is made up of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and trace amounts of other gases such as carbon dioxide, neon, and hydrogen. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines an environment in which oxygen levels fall below 19.5% as an oxygen-deficient atmosphere, which should be treated as […]
There are several potential COVID-19 vaccines that may soon be available for widespread distribution. In particular, the United Kingdom has recently approved Pfizer’s vaccine, and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is considering extending Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. That is certainly promising news, but storage, transportation, and delivery of these […]
What is an Oxygen Deficient Environment? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines an environment in which oxygen levels fall below 19.5 percent as an oxygen-deficient atmosphere, which should be treated as immediately dangerous to health or life. When there is not enough oxygen in the air, persons within the affected area may become […]
In modern times, vaccines have been widely used to keep people healthy by protecting them from serious illnesses and diseases. Worldwide, vaccines annually prevent millions of deaths, and their utilization is responsible, in many parts of the globe, for the nearly total eradication of numerous diseases, including polio, measles, and smallpox. According to the U.S. […]