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What is a CO2 Monitor and Where is it Used?

  • By : PureAire Monitoring Systems
  • Posted on : April 17, 2024
CO2 Monitor
Carbon Dioxide Monitors

A CO2 monitor, also known as a carbon dioxide monitor, is essential equipment to help maintain healthy indoor air quality. It detects and measures the concentration of CO2 in the air. PureAire stands at the forefront of this field, offering high-quality carbon dioxide monitoring and detection solutions for various applications. By alerting users to potentially harmful levels of CO2, these monitors play an integral role in ensuring safety, compliance with regulations, and overall well-being in numerous environments.

To understand the significance of CO2 monitoring further, you can refer to this informative document on Carbon Dioxide by the USDA.

How Does a CO2 Monitor Work?

CO2 monitors measure the concentration of carbon dioxide in the environment. At the core of these devices lies Non-Dispersive Infrared technology or NDIR technology, which is the standard for accurate and reliable CO2 detection.

The Working Principle of NDIR Technology

NDIR technology operates on the principle of infrared light absorption. Each gas has a unique absorption spectrum, and carbon dioxide molecules absorb specific wavelengths of infrared light. A CO2 sensor with NDIR technology contains an infrared light source, a light tube, an interference (wavelength) filter, and an infrared detector. When air enters the sensor:

  1. The infrared light source emits light through the gas sample.
  2. As carbon dioxide molecules in the sample absorb infrared light, the amount of light reaching the detector decreases.
  3. The detector captures this change in light intensity, which correlates directly to the gas concentration measurement.

By analyzing the reduction in infrared light, the sensor can determine the concentration of CO2 with high precision.

Industrial Facilities

Maintaining appropriate levels of CO2 is paramount for safety and quality control in industrial settings such as agri-food production, pharmaceutical manufacturing, brewing operations, and beverage production.

Excessive carbon dioxide can pose health risks to employees and compromise product integrity. Thus, continuous monitoring with equipment like those developed by PureAire is indispensable.

Agri-Food and Beverage Production

Monitoring ensures that concentrations remain within safe limits in agri-food and beverage production facilities where fermentation processes release significant amounts of CO2.

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Pharmaceutical environments require stringent control over contaminants. Carbon dioxide is used to remove oxygen and other contaminants in order to create and maintain a sterile environment for production and packaging.

 Brewing Operations

Brewing industries utilize CO2 monitors to oversee fermentation processes and manage carbonation levels meticulously.

PureAire’s extensive experience in providing solutions for these sectors underscores its expertise. The Dual Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Monitor utilizes long-lasting NDIR and zirconium oxide sensors, delivering precise readings necessary for operational safety and product quality assurance.

Refrigeration Applicationswater-resistant dual o2/co2 monitor

In refrigeration or food and beverage applications with high humidity or water exposure, selecting a water-resistant CO2 monitor from PureAire ensures consistent performance and accuracy in wet environments.

By integrating NDIR sensors into its line of carbon dioxide and dual CO2/O2 monitors, PureAire provides industries with durable tools essential for preventing hazardous conditions and maintaining compliance with health and safety regulations.


Applications in Different Environments

CO2 monitors are not just for industrial use. They also play a crucial role in indoor environments, including schools, hospitals, and public buildings. Regulating ventilation and preventing the buildup of carbon dioxide are essential in these spaces.


CO2 monitors ensure healthy learning environments in schools by maintaining optimal air quality. High CO2 levels can reduce cognitive abilities, affecting students’ performance.

Movie Theaters, Concert Venues, and Other Indoor Gathering Spaces

Elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in public spaces like movie theaters and concert venues can pose serious safety hazards to patrons. Excessive CO2 levels can lead to drowsiness, headaches, and impaired cognitive function, affecting individuals’ overall experience and safety in these settings.

Building codes often mandate the installation of CO2 detectors in commercial spaces like movie theaters and concert venues to ensure the well-being of occupants. CO2 monitors are crucial for monitoring indoor air quality and alerting occupants and management if CO2 levels exceed safe limits.


Hospitals rely on CO2 monitoring to preserve a sanitary environment and protect patients with respiratory conditions. Excessive CO2 can compromise the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to infections.

Public Buildings

Public buildings like museums, theaters, and libraries also install CO2 monitors to safeguard visitors and precious artifacts from potential damage due to poor indoor air quality.

CO2 monitoring also benefits workplaces, enhancing employee productivity and well-being.   For instance, modern offices equipped with energy-efficient designs often have sealed windows that restrict natural ventilation, allowing  CO2  to quickly build up without proper monitoring.

To cater to diverse requirements across these environments, PureAire offers a range of carbon dioxide monitors with varying features for maximum adaptability. PureAire’s dual carbon dioxide monitors include O2 and carbon dioxide sensors and will alert personnel when CO2 or O2 levels reach dangerous levels, effectively protecting what’s important in these spaces.

Choosing the Best CO2 Monitor for Your Needs

Selecting the right CO2 monitoring equipment depends on your specific needs and environment. Key factors to consider include:

  1. Measurement range: A monitor’s ability to measure and display varying levels of CO2 concentration, typically denoted in parts per million (ppm).
  2. Device features: Advanced features such as data logging, visual/audible alarms, and connectivity can enhance a monitor’s functionality.

Notably, monitors differ in design and application. For instance, portable CO2 monitors offer mobility and versatility, making them ideal for spot-checking different areas within a facility. Conversely, wall-mounted CO2 detectors ensure continuous monitoring in a specific location, providing real-time data for critical areas.

Understanding these differences helps to identify the best carbon dioxide detector suited for your needs — whether for maintaining air quality in a school or ensuring safety standards in an industrial facility. Furthermore, it is worth noting that proper air circulation plays a crucial role in minimizing CO2 levels. Measuring CO2 levels is especially important in environments like museums or galleries where airtightness measurement of display cases is necessary to preserve artifacts while ensuring visitor safety.

Accuracy is essential to effectively detect and monitor CO2 levels regardless of your choice.


Measuring carbon dioxide is vital for maintaining a healthy indoor environment. Reliable CO2 monitors, especially those with NDIR CO2 sensors, give accurate readings essential for ensuring air quality and safety. PureAire’s monitors, known for their reliability and precision, provide long-term peace of mind to users.

Improving indoor air quality should be a priority. By educating others about the importance of CO2 detection equipment and sharing information about its advantages, such as those outlined in this WSU document, we can all contribute to creating healthier communities. Taking action starts with one simple step: selecting a trustworthy carbon dioxide monitoring solution and advocating for its use in public spaces and professional settings.

What does a CO2 monitor detect?

A CO2 monitor measures the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air and checks whether the levels are safe.

What does a CO2 detector detect?

Like a CO2 monitor, CO2 detectors measure carbon dioxide gas in the area. These monitoring devices give real-time information to prevent dangerous situations caused by elevated CO2 levels.

Is CO2 the same as carbon monoxide?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) are different gases with distinct properties and health effects. While CO2 is a natural part of our atmosphere, carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas formed by incomplete burning and can be deadly in large amounts.

What does a carbon dioxide detector detect?

A carbon dioxide detector specifically identifies and measures carbon dioxide levels in the air around us. These devices are important for checking air quality, particularly in enclosed spaces with insufficient ventilation.

Is a CO2 detector the same as a carbon monoxide detector?

No, a CO2 detector is different from a carbon monoxide detector. Each device detects its specific gas. That’s why selecting the correct detector, depending on the gas you need to monitor in an area or process, is crucial.

Best Carbon Dioxide Monitors

Dual Oxygen/Carbon Dioxide Monitor

Dual O2/CO2 Monitor, 0-25% & 0-50,000ppm

PureAire's Carbon Dioxide Monitor

CO2 Monitor 0-50,000ppm

Oxygen Calibration Kit

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