Cryotherapy Cryotherapy (also known as cold therapy) is broadly defined as the use of very cold temperatures for medical or general wellness purposes. Modern cryotherapy (which comes from the Greek kyro, meaning “cold” and therapeia, meaning “healing”) can be traced back thousands of years, and some form of it was practiced by the ancient Greeks, […]
Overview As dog owners, we treat our pets as we do our children, taking care that the food we give them is not only filling and nutritious but contains only high-quality ingredients sourced and processed in ways that meet our exacting standards. For many owners, far in the past are the days of grabbing any […]
Overview 3D printing (also known as “additive manufacturing”) affords manufacturers the ability to create custom parts that fit together perfectly. Utilized for decades in the medical products and aerospace parts industries, 3D printing is increasingly being used in other industries as well, including the relatively recent advent of 3D printed metal auto parts. New and […]
The art and science of winemaking have been around for thousands of years. Winemakers rely on their instincts, palates, and a thorough knowledge of the nuances involved in every stage of the winemaking process as they strive to achieve the flavors and qualities that they desire. Even a cursory overview of certain elements of […]
The College of American Pathologists (“CAP”) recently imposed new requirements to address risks related to the use and storage of liquid nitrogen (“LN2”) and dry ice. Background The new requirements come after a deadly incident in 2017, when liquid nitrogen leaked at a Georgia lab that was not accredited through CAP. Emergency responders were called […]
Fruit has a brief window where it is perfectly ripe. If farmers waited until every piece of fruit was ripe before harvesting, farming would be more labor-intensive as farmers rushed to pick ripe fruits. Prices might crash due to a short-term glut of fruit on the market. To ensure a steady supply and demand, keep […]
When it comes to flavor, coffee purists prefer whole beans, which retain their flavors longer than ground coffee. Yet there’s no denying the convenience factor of ground coffee, which is why it’s so popular in offices. Ground coffee has a short shelf life — hence the push to use airtight containers, which keep the flavors […]
A blend of gases — carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen — help preserve packaged food by reducing the amount of oxygen inside the sealed package. Gas flushing or Modified Atmosphere Packaging, as the process is called, also reduces the amount of processing that food must undergo. This preserves the quality and nutrient content of meats, […]